Karen King

“Many of us have been fortunate in our lives to have a person who inspires us to be “engaged”–exactly what Basics and Beyond students often need. For 4 years that key person may be Karen King, an alternative school employee, Centre for Arts & Artists studio artist and primary instructor. Through grants and resourcefulness, she has volunteered her talent and time to ensure students have had arts activities such as pottery. Student participation needed to be during study hall, or before or after school. Artworks for the school walls have been created in mediums including paint, wood, and photography while instilling a message of repurposing of free materials. Creative activities may lead to employment in creative and inventive professions. Some students have continued their activities at Centre for Arts & Artists in pottery classes. The students’ “contributions” have ranged from cleaning and organizing the clay room to helping with transportation of equipment and supplies to the site.
Creative outreach began in 2008, but could not have remained as impactful without Karen’s flexible, skilled, and dedicated commitment. Her joyous celebration of the arts inspires us ALL!”

–Linda Klepinger (In nomination for Karen King, recipient of the Newton Community Education Foundation
“Above and Beyond Award”, January, 2016.)1934078_1066237665316_7607734_n

What the Art Centre means to Linda Pierce

“The greatest value that I’ve had in working with the Center for Arts and Artists is that I have gained a great appreciation for the arts through the Sculpture Festival and the classes that I’ve taken at the center. I have also enjoyed sharing what I know about the Center for Arts and Artists with the community as a docent for school students as they toured the various sculptures throughout the city.”

“Linda and Nick Klepinger have done a fantastic job in promoting the Center for arts and artists in Newton. We are lucky to have such an organization in our town. Sign up for a class or attend the Sculpture Festival.”IMG_1556